Harvest 2011 Update!!
The Burrell School Estate “Principal’s Choice” Pinot is all safely pressed off into barrels, and resting comfortably, while the wood goes to work. There was a wee bit of a break with the cooler weather of the past weekend, but things are amping up in the heat index, and the grapes on the estate vineyard sites are ramping up in the sugar levels as well. (BTW, that’s winemaker Dave with all his new barrels, waiting for the Merlot and Syrah, left)
At this point, the current sugar levels on the ripest Chardonnay is 24.8. This bodes well for a very nicely balanced Chardonnay that should exhibit delicious apple and citrus flavors, with a leaner profile than in warmer years. It should remind one a bit of Burgundian style Chardonnay – something that will cellar nicely and continue to please for years to come….but first, we’ve got to pick it!
Consequently, the busy bees at Burrell School plan on picking 3 bins of Chardonnay (south facing only) today, Wednesday, Sept 28. If Dave Moulton, winemaker, and Mark Siefert, the vineyard manager extraordinaire, like the flavors and sugar levels, they will pick another 3 bins for press load #2 and an additional 3 bins for press load #3. Vine Mistress Anne, who planted all the Chardonnay vines in the early 1990s, will be watching with great pride. This is always her moment to smile in anticipation of yet another well-schooled class of Chardonnay students!
Looks like the north-facing Chardonnay is another 4-5 days away, depending upon what Mother Nature throws our way. Anne celebrates a birthday on October 3rd, so maybe some more of her “Teacher’s Pets” will be ready to reel in about then.
Regardless of what Mother Nature brings, it’s going to be lovely weather for visiting the winery and checking out the crushpad action, so stop by the Summit Store and pick up a picnic and come on over and enjoy the views, the sights, the sounds, the unforgettable aromas and the non-stop action of Harvest! And pick up some wine for your cellar. There are some beauties to choose from: there’s a specially priced Harvest 4-pack of current releases, and some extra special cellar treasures as well. In fact, our spectacularly smart student, the 2005 Cabernet Sauvignon “Dean’s List,” is on sale with the following pricing:
$49 for 1 bottle
$99 for 3 bottles
$179 for 6 bottles
$329 for 12 bottles
It’s a great deal with limited quantities available. Email Elena@burrellschool.com if you’d like us to ship to you.
Barrels for sale. Our high-quality, gently-used barrels are available for purchase. Whole barrels are $40 and half barrels are $25. Red wine stains are complimentary! Limited quantities, perfect for home-winemaking, quality furniture and superb seasonal planters.
Bottle Renew reminder—We welcome your empty wine bottles (full cases only). Recycle=good. Renew=the best!! www.winebottlerenew.com
And, it’s Fall for Our Mountains! time at the Summit to Sea Wineries – 2 for 1 tasting, great wine discounts, fabulous fall-themed chocolates from local Chocolatier, Chocolate Visions, a
nd specials on sandwiches at the Summit Store. what’s not to love? Come, Fall for Our Mountains, during the best time of year!